Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Kenikmatan yang Terpuaskan Selama KKN

       Bila sobat memiliki postur tubuh yang besar, kulit yang gelap dan merupakan seorang pendatang di suatu daerah, ada baiknya sobat lebih berhati-hati. Salah sedikit saja, bisa-bisa sobat dicurigai sebagai pencoleng oleh penduduk setempat. Seperti halnya pengalaman dua orang teman KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) saya yaitu Yoseph dan Thomas, di Desa Senakin, Kabupaten Landak. Sebagai orang yang di sangka sebagai pencoleng, bukan tidak mungkin warga setempat akan mengeroyok mereka secara massa. Untung masih diraih, Tomas mahasiswa jurusan penjaskes FKIP Untan, mampu memberikan penjelasan kepada warga dalam bahasa daerah Dayak Ahe. Mereka pun dapat pulang ke post KKM dengan selamat untuk kemudian menceritakan pengalaman tersebut dengan tawa yang lebar.
            Peristiwa ini hanya salah satu dari beribu pengalaman saat saya dan teman-teman saat menjalani masa-masa KKN. Kami (Yoseph, Gracia, Kiki, Krispina, Leni, Novita, Rino, Thomas, Tika, dan saya Tri) ditugaskan untuk menjadi guru bantu di SMA Negeri 1 Sengah Temila. Tidak hanya kepala sekolah, Fransiskus Sius, tetapi juga para guru dan staf, menyambut kedatangan kami dengan sangat baik dan penuh antusiasme. Tidak hanya itu, kami pun juga diberikan tempat tinggal sementara di rumah Heron, salah seorang guru BK di sekolah tersebut, yang terletak di Simpang Andeng. Bahkan, pihak sekolah bersedia menanggung seluruh biaya listrik selama kami tinggal di rumah tersebut. Wow, sungguh kesan pertama yang begitu menggoda!
Rumah ku adalah rumah mu
            Saya dan teman-teman segera berkemas setelah rumah di simpang andeng ini kami ambil alih sementara. Dilihat dari luar rumah tersebut biasa saja dengan cat tempok putihnya yang sudah kusam. Namun, dilihat dari dalam, rumah ini terlihat cukup terawat. Hanya ada sedikit tanda mata dari tangan-tangan jahil yang menuliskan namanya di tembok-tembok rumah. Rumah tersebut terdiri atas dua lantai dengan tiga kamar tidur dan satu kamar mandi. Namun, semua kamar terdapat di lantai bawah. Gosipnya, di bawah tangga penghubung lantai satu dengan lantai dua ada sosok yang misterius. Mungkin karna itulah di masa awal kami tinggal disana, tidak ada seorangpun yang mau berlama-lama di atas setelah malam tiba. Apalagi, di lantai atas tidak ada lampu yang terpasang sehingga gelap gulita. Tapi mendekati masa kepulangan kami, tentu saja gossip itu terbukti tidak benar adanya karna tidak pernah ada hal-hal aneh disana. Semua aman dan terkendali.
            Di sebelah kanan rumah kami terbentang sawah yang tidak terlalu luas. Sementara di sebelah kiri terdapat rumah tetangga yang ternyata memiliki babi peliharaan. Babi inilah yang setiap hari mondar-mandir di belakang dan di bawah lantai rumah kami sambil mengeluarkan suara uikan yang khas. Pemandangan celeng yang berkeliaran dengan bebas ini tentu bukan hal yang biasa terlihat di kota seperti Pontianak. Sementara itu, di depan rumah terdapat warung tempat kami biasa membeli telur, indomie, ataupun sekedar jajanan. Untung saja, anjing-anjing yang dipelihara ibu pemilik warung tidak menggigit kecuali menggonggong di malam hari. Di rumah ini lah perjalanan KKN kami dimulai. Di tempat inilah kami belajar bertoleransi tidak hanya dari segi agama yang beraneka ragam tetapi juga dari segi mental. Di tempat ini jugalah kami belajar saling berbagi kesenangan maupun kesulitan walaupun fakta nya kadang kala pertengkaran kecil antar keluarga tidak dapat terhindarkan. Ya, kami telah menjadi satu keluarga kecil di rumah dengan segudang pengalaman baru.
SMA Negeri 1 Sengah Temila
SMA Negri Senakin tercinta
Mengemban tugas Suci mulia
Membimbing mendidik penerus bangsa
Menuju cita-cita
            Derapkanlah langkahmu 
            luruskanlah barismu
            Kita songsong hari depan
            Matangkanlah jiwamu
           Satukanlah tekadmu
            Menuju Indonesia jaya

            Penggalan lagu di atas merupakan mars SMAN 1 Sengah Temila yang selalu di dengungkan setiap hari senin. Suara siswa-siswi yang lantang dan penuh khidmat saat menyanyikan mars tersebut menjadi cerminan kecintaan mereka terhadap sekolah tempat mereka belajar.
            Sekilas, SMAN 1 Sengah Temila ini tidak jauh berbeda dari sekolah-sekolah negri lainnya kecuali halaman belakang sekolahnya yang sangat luas. Namun, ternyata sekolah ini sangat minim guru. Bahkan, saat itu guru Bahasa Inggris yang ada disana hanya ada satu orang yang harus mengajar kelas 1, 2 dan 3 semua kelas. Tentu saja tidak semua kelas bisa tertangani dengan baik. Mungkin saja hal ini yang menjadi salah satu penyebab rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam bidang akademik.
            Di sisi lain, sekolah ini mestinya berbagga diri karena memiliki murid-murid yang memiliki semangat tinggi dan sopan santun terhadap guru mereka. Saat tiba jam pelajaran di kelas mereka semua duduk tenang mendengarkan penjelasan guru. Tidak ada celotehan, kegaduhan maupun umpatan. Bukan karena mereka takut pada guru yang galak, melainkan karna mereka menjunjung tinggi para guru. Bahkan penghormatan pada guru mereka juga diberikan pada kami mahasiswa KKN saat di kelas. Sungguh hal yang jarang di dapatkan di kota yang siswanya lebih berorientasi nilai dimana guru galak lebih ditakuti, guru yang memberikan nilai disegani, mahasiswa yang menjadi guru bantu disoraki.
            Bukan hanya kesopanan yang patut diteladani dari siswa-siswi SMAN 1 Sengah Temila ini, melainkan juga semangat belajar di sekolah yang mereka miliki. Kebanyakan dari mereka berangkat dan pulang dari sekolah dengan berjalan kaki. Beata Marlangen, atau yang akrab disapa Langen bahkan harus menempuh 12 km dengan berjalan kaki sebelum akhirnya tiba disekolah. Berangkat dari rumah pukul 5 pagi dan sampai di sekolah pukul 6.40 merupakan hal yang biasa ia lakukan hampir setiap hari.
“Ya sebenarnya sih capek tapi udah terbiasa dari SMP”, begitulah jawaban Langen ketika ditanya perihal kebiasaan berjalan kakinya ini. ”Kalau pake motor gitu kan biayanya terlalu banyak jadi kan kalau jalan kaki paling jajan jak kan, kalau pake motor pake bensin kasian orang tua juga, yah selagi bisa berjalan jalan lah”, lanjut Langen.
Langen hanyalah salah satu dari banyak siswa yang harus menempuh jarak yang jauh untuk sekedar menghilangkan dahaga nya akan pengetahuan di bangku sekolah.  Hal ini sungguh berbanding terbalik dengan siswa-siswi yang ada di perkotaan yang tidak ada motor tida mau masuk sekolah. Bahkan siswa SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) pun sudah banyak yang diberikan fasilitas kendaraan bermotor oleh orang tua mereka. Tidak heran apabila setiap pagi dan siang hari jalanan selalu disesaki oleh para pengguna motor yang notabene nya kebanyakan pelajar. Lain kolam lain pula ikannya. Lain tempat, lain pula kebiasaannya. Jika ada hal baik yang dapat kita ambil dari tempat lain, tidak ada salahnya kita ambil sebagai pelajaran untuk masa yang akan datang.
Pesona Riam Solang
            Riam solang menjadi salah satu daya tarik di kecamatan Sengah temila. Jaraknya yang tidak terlalu jauh dari Desa Senakin membuat saya dan teman-teman memutuskan untuk beristirahat sejenak dari kepenatan dan merefreshkan pikiran di riam yang memiliki air terjun dengan ketinggian tiga hingga empat meter ini.
            Perjalanan yang ditempuh dengan menggunakan sepeda motor ini memakan waktu lebih kurang 25 menit. Saat itu hanya saya, Kiki, Tomas, Yoseph, Krispina dan 3 orang murid saja yang pergi ke riam Solang sementara yang lainnya memilih tinggal di rumah. Kami menggunakan 4 motor. Teman-teman saya yang lainnya mulus sekali perjalanannya. Sementara saya yang tidak terbiasa mengendarai sepeda motor di tempat yang penuh bebatuan dan menanjak agak kesulitan bahkan beberapa kali hampir terjatuh. Sepertinya Kiki yang saya bonceng pun sudah bergidik ngeri dibelakang saya. Hehe, maaf ya Ki. Tapi untungnya teman-teman yang lain berbaik hati menunggui saya dan Kiki yang selalu berjalan paling bontot sehingga kami tidak tersesat. Lucky we have you all friends.
            Sesampainya di Riam Solang, gerimis hujan telah menanti. Langit juga sudah mulai gelap. Kami tetap nekat langsung turun ke bawah. Batu-batuan yang ada disana cukup besar dan airnya sangat lah jernih. Baru saja sebentar menikmati pemandangan di Riam Solang, hujan derasa mengguyur kami.  Kamipun mulai panik dan memutuskan untuk langsung naik ke atas mencari tempat berteduh.
Sambil menunggu hujan reda, ternyata sudah terdapat ayam yang akan menjadi santapan kami nanti. Tomas dengan cekatan membersihkan bulu-bulu yang menempel pada tubuh si ayam. Tak lama kemudian, si ayam pun sudah jatuh di atas perapian dengan mulusnya. Saat si ayam matang, hujan pun sudah reda. Kami kembali melanjutkan perjalanan bersantai di riam solang dengan mengarak si ayam yang sudah tak berbulu tersebut. Bebatuan besar kami pilih sebagai tempat menamatkan riwayat si ayam untuk masuk kedalam perut kami yang lapar.
            Setelah kenyang, kami turun ke dalam air untuk bersenang-senang. Tak lupa kami memposekan beberapa gaya saat berfoto ria. Tak lama kemudian, teman-teman yang lain pun mulai keasyikan berenang. Tinggallah saya yang tidak bisa berenang dan Kiki yang katanya sudah lama gak berenang. Dengan berbaik hati Vina dan Tomas mengajari saya berenang, tapi emang dasar payah dalam hal renang, ngambang pun saya tetap tidak bisa dan hampir tenggelam. Olahraga emang bukan bidang saya sepertinya.
            Alhasil, karna gagal berenang saya hanya menikmati objek pemandangan di riam solang. Sketsa riam solang memang sangat menarik hati. Dikelilingi rerimbunan pohon yang hijau, riam solang bak kolam pemandian para bidadari dilengkapi dengan air terjun bak kendi air mancur yang tak habis mengalir.
            Entah sudah berapa lama yang kami habiskan di riam solang ini, akhirnya kamipun memutuskan untuk pulang. Kiki yang sepertinya jera naik motor dengan saya akhirnya lebih memilih tanjal tiga dengan tomas dan salah seorang murid. Untung saja perjalanan pulang terasa lebih mudah dan lebih singkat. Hari yang melelahkan memang tapi sangat menyenangkan.

Kenikmatan di Gunung Sehaq
            Memuaskan mata untuk sejenak menikmati keindahan panorama alam merupakan menu utama yang ditawarkan gunung Sehaq. Gunung yang terletak di Desa Asong dan Paloatn ini menyuguhkan keasrian alam dengan pepohonannya yang besar, udaranya yang segar, dan bahkan bentangan sawah, lading dan perkampungan pun dapat kita lihat dari kaki gunung ini.
            Saya dan teman-teman KKN yang lain biasanya singgah ke warung yang ada di tepian jalan Sehaq. Ditemani segarnya air kelapa muda sambil asik menyaksikan matahari tenggelam, kami sangat menikmati setiap detik yang dihabiskan selama kami disana. Warung yang kebetulan kami biasa singgahi ternyata milik seorang ibu paruh baya, Martha. Tapi ia tidak sendirian berjualan disini. Ditemani oleh suaminya, wanita berambut pendek ini sudah jatuh bangun berjualan selama 6 tahun di tempat tersebut. Dari obrolan singkat dengan si mpu nya warung, ternyata warung ini ramai di kunjungi saat hari libur, tidak hanya dari kalangan siswa dan mahasiswa yang hanya ingin sekedar bersantai tetapi juga dari kalangan pengendara bis yang ingin melepas haus dan lapar.
            Warung milik Martha bukanlah satu-satunya warung yang ada di sana. Masih ada warung-warung lain yang juga ramai dikunjungi. Jarak antar warung pun terbilang dekat. Makanan yang disediakan juga tidak banyak yang berbeda terdiri ats kelapa muda, durian, rebung, terong, rempeyek, roti dll. Meskipun begitu, menurut pengakuan Martha, keuntungan yang diperoleh tetap masih menjanjikan. Mungkin karna itulah Martha dan suaminya betah bejualan disana selama bertahun-tahun.
            Hari sudah magrib. Matahari sudah tidak tampak lagi. Kami memutuskan untuk segera pulang karena kalau tidak buru-buru jalanan akan menjadi sangat gelap. Jalanan sepanjang gunug Sehaq memang tidak dilengkapi dengan penerangan yang memadai. Apalagi jalan di sana penuh dengan tikungan. Jika tidak hati-hati, bisa-bisa mencederai diri sendiri. Karena itulah berkendara di jalanan Gunung Sehaq mesti dibarengi dengan kewaspadaan dan kehati-hatian yang tinggi.
Jarak dari Gunung Sehaq ke Senakin tidak terlalu jauh. Jalanannya pun menurun. Di tengah-tenggah perjalanan teman-teman saya, Yoseph dan Rino, mematikan mesin motor mereka. Alhasil motor pun meluncur bebas di jalan turunan tersebut. Paling tidak, Gunung Sehaq telah masuk dalam daftar wisata alternatif  kami selama menjalankan tugas KKN di desa Senakin.

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

How Far Do You Know About Research

Research is a systematic process to answer the question by carefully gathering, analysing, and interpreting data.  There are  a few things we should do before conducting the research. These are :
a)      We should ask our-self a few questions about the reason we have decided to do some research and we need to think about the way we are able to remain motivated through our project. One of the way we are able to remain motivates is by choosing an interesting topic for our-self. We should not choose the topic that we think it would be great topic but actually not really interest us because it can cause the boredom in our-self and indirectly take a negative effect for our research. So that, even thought research spend a long time for its process we could still be interested to complete it by remember our motivation for doing a research.
Other aspects we should ask to our self are about the personal characteristics and the skill we have to help us in completing our research. The knowledge of our characteristics such as weakness, strength, likes and dislikes could be our consideration in choosing the best type of research that suit to us. Another thing that can help us in research is our skill and experiences. It is no doubt our past experience and skill we have got in our life could be use full in identify the problem in research we took. In brief, by knowing our characteristics deeply would help us in our research.
b)      We should ask our-self what, why, who, where and when as we start to think about our research project.
·         We should ask our-self about what our research is. Define our project is needed in the early stages. It’s the hardest part to define project. But, if we able to do this we might success in our research and vice versa.
·         We should ask our-self why we want to do the research and what the purpose is. By finding our reason in doing a research we could keep our enthusiasm to do all of the research process till the end. It also would affect us in choosing a suitable topic, in conducting the research and in reporting our results.
·         Then, we should ask our-self who will be our participants. It does not matter how much the participants is because the focus of them is on the kind of people we will get in touch. We also need having an access to contact them to get information. Make sure that the participants are easy to contact.
·         Next, ask our-self where we are going to conduct our research. Think about the place which suit to our budget and our time. We also need to choose the best place if we want to have an interview with the participants. Choose the comfortable place which we think it is the safest place to us and our participants.
·          After that, ask our-self when we are going to do our research. It will help us to determine the right time to contact the participant and to count the rest time to make our research possible.

c)      We should try to sum up our research project in one sentence. If the advisor understands what our research about it means that our research no need revised and vice versa.

Four basic research methods:



Pre-experimental design is kind of research that follow basic experimental steps but fail to include a control group. So, in this research, the researcher just arranges one group to be studied so that there is no comparation for non-treatment group.
There are 3 kinds of pre-experimental research, these are :
1.      One-Shot Case Study Design.
The goal of this kind of one shot case study design is to determine whether the treatment had been given had any effect on the result. But, if we do not have any comparation for a group, it would be difficult for us to determine the changes happened.
2.      One Group Pretest-Posttest Design.
In this kind of one group pretest posttest design, the subjects are pretested, exposed a treatment and then post-tested. If there is any differences between the pretest and posttest measures, it would be considered as the result of the program treatment. So, in this case, we can conclude that the one group pre-test and pos-test design is a simple form of research design that observe a group two times, before and after treatment in order to know the changes.
One of the benefits of this design is the existence of pretest as the baseline score. So that we could determine the outcomes whether there is any changes or not. But, there also a weakness of this design because of the possibility of other factor that makes changes in the outcome is not only caused by work experience but caused by maturation.
3.      Static-Group Comparison Study.
This study tries to solve the problem of the other two design that lack of group to observed. But it falls short in relation to showing if a change has occurred. It is because this study does not provide pre-testing like one group pretest posttest. So that, we can not either make changes report or know the differences between two groups.

From 3 kinds of pre-experimental research, none of them giving satisfied result in experiment. All of them often to not including any control or comparison group so that it would be difficult to know more about the changes.

True experimental research uses statistical analysis in order to prove or disprove a hypothesis mathematically. It tries to control all of the variables that able to disturb the experiment. It tells us about cause and effect relationship.
There are several kind of true experimental research, those are :
1)      Posttest Equivalent Group Study.
This study uses randomization and comparison of both a control and experimental group. Each group is chosen randomly. Then each of that group is given posttest to determine if there is a differences between two groups. But it is lack of pretest measure so that it is difficult to know whether or not there is a change between the result at the beginning with the result at the end.
2)      Pretest Posttest Equivalent Group Study.
This study uses a control group and a measure of change even pretest so that it is able to assess any differences that happened in the groups. It is more complete and more effective than other experimental study especially to explain about cause and effect relationship.
First step to apply this study is by select the participant (i.e. students from college) randomly. Next, Place the students into one of two groups using random assignment. Each group would be measured about their previous grades. Then, one group would be given a treatment and the other would be given a control. At the end of semester the previous grade and the next grade would be compared.

Actually there are steps in conducting true experimental research.
a)      Determine what the treatment is going to be studied.
 For example, If I am going to study about teaching plan.
b)      Choose the subject that will be a part of the study.
If I want to know about teaching plan, it is mean that I need to choose  students in the first grade of senior high school, it is no matter whether they are male or female. That group of students would not be large but also not to be small. The range is about twenty to thirty students.
c)      Divide subject into two groups at random. One group will be the control and another will receive the treatment being tested.
It means that none of that student know where group they are belong, whether they are in control group or treatment group. They will know it later at the end of research. The control group is used as the baseline result. But the treatment group is used as the compare group.
d)     Determine the time frame for which the treatment will be applied.
Based on the topic I chosen, I think I will need one semester to know the result and then compare the result. I will compare the result of first assignment to the result of assignment in six month later.
e)      Administer the control and treatment to the respective groups
f)       Interpret the result of the study.
After I compare the result of the first test to the next test, I compare it between the control group to the treatment group. If there is any differences that  the treatment group has more effect than control group, so that it means that the treatment is effective to used.

Classroom action research is  a method of research conducted by teacher to find out what work best in his/her classroom so that he/she can improve student learning.

Classroom action research has a specific goal that is to improve teaching skill in the classroom.

Steps to conduct Classroom Action Research :
a.       Identify a question or problem
b.      Review literature
In reviewing the literature, you need to gather two types of information, those are background and data.
c. Plan a research strategy.
When you plan a research strategy you may take many form such as pretest, posttest, a comparison of similar classes to a descriptive case study of a single class or student. Beside, you may use both qualitative and quantitative methods that you think is appropriate to your research.
d. Gather Data
e. Make sense of the Data
f. Take action
To make decision about the teaching strategies, use the finding
g. Share the findings.

Case Study is one of techniques in  social studies which is used in real situations to describe and analyze particular circumstance. In case study, people will be able to understand the ideas more clearly because the case study provide enough information about “how” and “why” question.

In decision of conducting case study there should be a problem that needs to be solved. For the first time, we need to know what the problem is. After we know the problem we go to analyze the information, so that we will be able to find the best solution from that problem.

It is heard easy to do that research. But, in reality it is difficult to do if we lack of information. That is why we need to collecting, organizing and analyzing data to gather dept-information about one case. As long as we study in case study line, it is possible for us have both qualitative and quantitative data such as interviews, questionnaire, observation, etc. At this point, we can note that the combination of those collection method (qualitative and quantitative) become one of characteristics of case study.

It is no doubt that case study has differences from other research, especially with descriptive study. In descriptive study we just describe the situation, give all the information and tell the reader everything so that the reader will not have to struggle hardly to think. On the other hand, in case study, It is more than just describing something because it also take place the reader with the same position of the writer which means that there is an arranged information to lead the reader to work hard to think “what was going on” when they face the situation as the writer.

Actually there are three basic steps in Case Study, those are:
a.       Doing Research.
There are two ways in doing research. First, do the research in the library and the internet. We need to find out the article that relate to our case. By read the article has been written before we may find a new problem that still need to be solved. Second, interview people who have knowledge about the place or situation related. By asking that people we will have an understanding about what they know or what they think to get new facts in our case.

b.      Analysis.
After we search information from the library and internet, we should put all of the information together to analysis it. Through this way we try to make that information become understandable for the reader and also fulfill what the reader need to know about  the situation. Then, we can break the problem down into pieces It will be easier to think about the possible answer start from the smallest thing to the hardest think. We can focus for each sentence and find the evidence about that piece of the problem. It is no doubt that case study can make a theoretical statement, it still need evidences to support what it presented

c.       Writing the Case Study.
For introduction of the actual writing, we can describe the problem as the clue for the reader to think about the main problem and then come to their conclusion.

Case Study has severl strength and weakness :
1.      The strength
·         Case study is more about the reality even though it is difficult to organize. Case Study becomes powerful tool of analysis because of its setting research in real-life situation.
·         Case Study pay attention to the complexity of the case. Case study easier to understood by reader because they get enough information to discuss the situation by themselves.
·         Case Study can be done by only one researcher.

2.      The weakness.
·         Case Study can be personal and subjective in case that not only the writer but also the reader can make their conclusion basd on the information given.
·         The result of case study may be generalizable just if other researcher see that application.

Actually, the purpose of case study is to investigate a phenomena deeply and observe the characteristics of individual from one population. In this case study, the method of collecting data such as observation take place an important role. There are two kind of observation in case study :
1.      Participant Observation
In this kind of observation, the observer become one of the member of community that he observed. The researcher do the activity that similar o other members. By do this action th researcher covers himself from the other so that he could be able to observe the behavior or the situation to that community.

2.      Non-Participant Observation.
Unlike the participant observation, in non-participant observation the researcher stay away in the corner while he observe the object of community. The researcher pretends to do something and do not staring at the object. He just let the object to act in one condition and then note everything that he seen in every several minutes. So the researcher tries not to interference the object.

When we want to conduct a research we have to be able to distinguish between research method and research technique.
v  Research technique refers to the behavior and instruments we use in performing research operations such as making observations, recording data, technique of processing data etc. On the other hand, Research methods refers to the behavior and instruments used in selecting and constructing research technique.
v  Research technique are more particular. But the research methods are more general because it is the method that generate techniques. For the example, when the research methods only need analysis of historical records for the library resources, the research techniques need the recording of notes, content analyses, tape and film listening and analysis for its library resources.
v  The common example of research techniques are scales, recording techniques, content analysis, moving average, longitudinal/cross sectional collections of data, etc. On the other side, the common examples of research methods are observations, questionnaire, analysis of records, case study, etc.
v  In the applied research the first group includes method and the second group includes techniques. So the first group include the methods will concern about the collection of data but the second group that include the technique will concern about the relationship between the data and the unknowns.

I think it will be easier to understand the differences between research method and research methodology by using an example.
The example is in education programme of television.. If we are investigating the effectivity of the education programme on television based on the particular user perception by using questionnaire or by conduct interview, it would be have different result between using method of questionnaire an method of interviews. Thus, when we talk about research method we talk about what appropriate method can be used to know the effectivity of education programme on television wheter it is questionnaire, observation or interview.  Then, we need to know why we choose that method and how the data was collected show the effectivity of that education program on television. This evaluation of the reason of one decision that suit with the objectivity is part of the methodology that the researcher should do. When we talk of research methodology, we not only talk about the choosen methode but also about the reason why we choose it.