Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Naskah Drama peristiwa 10 November

Drama sebagai bahan tontonan telah ada bahkan sejakabad ke 5 SM yangmana hal ini dibuktikan dengan penemuan naskah drama kuno di Yunani. Aeschyllus yang merupakan penulis naskah mengenai persembahan untuk memohon kepada dewa-dewa ini hidUp sekitar tahun 525-456 SM. Jadi cukup bisa dibayangkan kan betapa pementasan drama ini telah ada jauh sebelum generasi kita lahir.
Drama bisa menjadi salah satu media pembelajaran yang menarik bagi siswa. Di bawah tema "Where we are in place and time" siswa-siswi Tunas Bangsa di ajak untuk mengenal sejarah kehidupan bangsa Indonesia pada masa kolonial dan upaya yang dilakukan demi merebut kemerdekaan. Apa yang mereka pelajari mereka tuangkan ke dalam dialog dan tindakan sehingga mereka juga mampu merasakan dan memahami bahwa perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia tidaklah semudah yang mereka fikirkan.
Berikut ini ialah naskah dari peristiwa 10 November yang dilakonkan oleh siswa-siswi primary 5 Independece yang sekaligus menjadi bagian dari Summative presentation mereka. 


This story is started in 16 century when Netherland troop went into Indonesia. Their  intention to to buy spices from Indonesia suddenly changed when they saw the natural resources in Indonesia. Their greediness made them brutally forcing Indonesian people to work without paid (compulsory work).
            On 1 March 1942, Japanese troop landed in Java island, and seven days later on 8 March 1942, Netherland government gave up to Japan without condition based on Kalijati Agreement. After the transfer of authorization, Indonesia officially became a colony of Japan.
            Three years later, Japanese gave up without condition to the ally after Hiroshima and Nagasaki was bombed. It happened on August 1945. The vacuum of the authority made Soekarno proclaim the independence of Indonesia on 17 August 1945. Let’s listen to the proclamation well.
Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Hal² jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan
dengan tjara saksama dan dalam tempoh jang sesingkat-singkatnja.
Djakarta, 17-8-'05 (recording)
Wakil2 bangsa Indonesia.

After the discomfiture of Japan, the citizens and heroes of Indonesia struggle to  take off all Japanese weapons. Then, there were wars which caused many victims in many area as the consequence. During the wars, on 15 September 1945 the British army landed in Jakarta and then they went to Surabaya on 25 October 1945. Actually British army came to Indonesia  as a part of AFNEI and in the name of ally bloc. British army had an order to take off all of weapons from Japanese army, freed the prisoneers of war who were arrested by Japanese, and  sent all the Japanese army back to Japan. This situation trig the Indonesian people to fight for freedom especially to AFNEI and NICA armies.

Bung Tomo and his wife are talking
(Bung Tomo and his wife are at home. Bung Tomo had just been the headquarter)
Wife                : You look tired.
Bung Tomo     : Tired is not a proper word for a soldier as I am.
Wife                : (following Bung tomo to sit down on the floor) But, look at you. You are
only a human. You still need to have a rest.
Bung Tomo     : I know. But, eventhough our body can take a rest, our soul can’t  be
Wife                : But, we have already got our freedom.
Bung Tomo     : It was just a proclamation. It was just a freedom to tell to the world that we
are free, both de facto and the jure.

(In a village, an Indonesian person met an English army. There was a problem between them because an Indonesian person shoved the English army unintentionally).
Soldier 1          : Hei you! How dare you shoving me!
Mamat             : I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t see you. I didn’t do it intentionally.
Army               : What??? Didn’t see???? Are you blind???
                        Look at my clothes and my shoes! They are dirty because of you.
Mamat             : I’m sorry, sir.
Soldier 1          : Huh, sorry??? You, Indonesian. Now, I want you to clean my shoes.
Mamat             : What???
Soldier 1          : Didn’t you hear that? Clean my shoes right now!
Mamat             : But...
Soldier 1          : You do it now,... or (point the gun at Mamat) you will die (smirk)
Mamat             : A...aa... allright, sir. (kneel down and then clean the shoes with his sarong)
Soldier 1          : Haha.... fool you! (kick Mamat shoulder with his leg and then leave away)
Burhan                        : Mamat, what happened to you?
Mamat             : I don’t know. This is the first time I have seen him. I think he is a soldier
from England. He asked me to clean his shoes.
Burhan                        : Whaaatttttt????? Did you lose your mind?? We are not a slave. We have our
freedom. Why did you just do what he wanted?
Mamat             : He brought a gun
Burhan                        : Hmm.. but why a soldier from England is here. Does British together with Netherland want to colonize our country again?

(Captain Donald, Captain Smith, and General Mallaby are having a meeting in a meeting room)
A.W.S. Mallaby: Golden Smith, how is our armies?
Golden Smith  : They are ready, captain.
A.W.S. Mallaby: Then, how about the strategy to take over Surabaya?
Golden Smith  : The armies can do it as soon as after they get the order from you captain.
A.W.S. Mallaby: Captain Donald.
Captain Donald: Yes, captain Mallaby.
A.W.S. Mallaby: I need you to give the letter to the governor of Surabaya, Governor Suryo. Can you?
Captain Donald: Yes, general.
(After Captain Donald took the order to give the letter to Governor Suryo, he went to Governor Suryo accompanied by Golden Smith)
Captain Donald: Good Morning Mr. Suryo.
Gov. Suryo      : Good morning. May I know why you are here?
Captain Donald: We are here to send a letter from our General, A.W.S. Mallaby. (Giving the letter to Gov. Suryo)
Gov. Suryo      : (Read the letter)
Golden Smith  : So, how Mr. Suryo? Do you want to join us?
Gov. Suryo      : (He make the letter into a ball. Then, he throws it to Golden Smith’s face)
I, Suryo, the governor of Surabaya, will never ever join you, even until I die.
Tell it to your general.
Captain Donald: Okay if it is what you want. But, you know what the consecuence is. (silent
for a while) The blood of your people.
(Captain Donal and Golden Smith leave Governor Suryo)

(In Hotel Yamato, the soldier displayed a red white blue flag which representated their identity. Not far from Hotel Yamato, there are Indonesian women who passed by)
Ibu Diah          : Hey, look at that flag. (Her finger points to the flag pole) There are some
soldier who are displaying a flag.
Ibu Eno           : Ya. But, the flag has three colors; red, white, and blue. It’s not our flag.
Soldier 2          : We have a task to return Japanese soldiers to their own country. But, We will
also use this chance to bring this land to be our colony
Ibu Diah          : Oh My God (The bag fell down from her hand)
Soldier 2          : Who is that?
Ibu Eno           : We are free now. You will never be able to colonize our land anymore.
Soldier 3          : Hahahaha... Just wait and see
Ibu Diah          : I will report what you did to Bung Tomo and Governor Suryo

Narrator           :After Ibu Diah and Ibu Eno had told what they saw in Hotel Yamato, Governor Suryo and Bung Tomo call people in Suroboyo to fight Netherland and its ally. Bung Tomo gave speech to those peole to raise their spirit to defend their Land, Indonesia.
Bung Tomo     : Saudara-saudara
Bersiaplah! Keadaan genting.
Tetapi saya peringatkan sekali lagi.
Jangan mulai menembak.
Baru kalau kita ditembak.
Maka kita akan ganti menyerang mereka itu.
Kita tunjukkan bahwa kita itu adalah orang yang benar-benar ingin merdeka.
Dan untuk kita saudara-saudara.
Lebih baik kita hancur lebur daripada tidak merdeka.
Semboyan kita tetap.
Merdeka atau mati.
Dan kita yakin, Saudara-saudara.
Akhirnya, pastilah kemenangan akan jatuh ke tangan kita.
Sebab Allah selalu berada di pihak yang benar.
Percayalah Saudara-saudara!
Tuhan akan melindungi kita sekalian.

All Indonesian People: Merdeka!
Gov. Suryo      : Come on arek-arek Suroboyo. We have to fight tooth and nail to defend our
land, Indonesia. Merdeka atau mati!
Indonesian people are fighting Netherlands
Bung Tomo     : Merdeka!

On the other side, A.W.S. Mallaby also  gave an order to his soldiers to defeat Indonesian people. A war between Indonesian people and the Netherland cannot be avoided.
A.W.S. Mallaby: Soldiers, step forward!
Soldier 3          : They cannot defeat us. I will kill all of those Indonesian people.
(Sniper sound in everywhere. Indonesian people use sharp bamboo and the soldiers use gun. All people fight to their opponent)
Bung Tomo     : (fight A.W.S. Mallaby) We, Indonesian people, will always protect our country from people like you. Merdeka! (kill A.W.S. Mallaby with only sharp bamboo)
A.W.S.Mallaby: You... arrrggggg...(fall down)
Narrator           : Looking their general died, the soldier move backward. Our heros and Indonesia people succeded to get a winning. The red white blue flag was torned by Bung Tomo.
Narrator           : Many people became victims in that war. But, it revived many Indonesian people in other areas to fight the colonist and to defend the freedom in Indonesia.

students of primary 5 Independence

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